Ícone acessibilidade Accessibility


This page is for people with visual and/or hearing impairment.

Welcome! It was created so that you can surf through all our functions.

For operationals systems MAC and APPLE OS

At Safari, Chrome and Firefox, use key ALT and the following numbers:

  1. To go to content
  2. To go to menu
  3. To go to accessibility page.
    You can also use the key TAB.
    To browse through pages, use the Keys ALT and ARROWS.

For operational system Windows OS

On Internet Explorer, use ALT key and right after, press ENTER.

On Chrome and Firefox, use ALT key and the following numbers:

  1. To go to content
  2. To go to menu
  3. To go to accessibility page.
    You can also use the key TAB.
    To browse through pages, use the Keys ALT and ARROWS.

main accessibility functions

Check out below all you can do tomake your experience here even more complete.

Enhance the size of the text

People with Reading issues are welcome here. Activate this function doing.

High contrast

We can also make your Reading esier by changing the color scheme in our website.

Screen reader

A blind person, or with other visual disabilities, activate our self-description.